Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT - PART 2 Last week we began talking about the God the Holy Spirit. One way the Bible talks about the HSp is power. So let’s think about power. What are some of the most powerful forces in the universe? - Black holes - Nuclear explosions - TNT - Fire - How much power do you think it took to make the whole universe? Some scientists think it must have taken xxxx to do what they call the Big Bang! There’s a big reason that God talks about the HSp as power, God wants us to understand that just like TNT or Fire or nuclear energy, the HSp is power that can change things. LAST WEEK – THE HSP IN THE OT We talked last week about the way we saw the HSp before Jesus came. Do you remember some ways the HSp appeared/showed himself? - David – writings/as King – took a young child and powerfully turned him into a great king! give that child one of the tongues of fire - Prophets – too an ordinary human being and powerfully allowed him to speak God’s words – give tongue of fire - Dreams – Abraham – give tongue of fire - Creation – wow! Now look around – do all of you have some of the Spirit’s power? No. So it looks like early on, the Holy Spirit worked powerfully in special people at special times. And others had to depend on those people. But God wasn’t done yet. Before Jesus was born, God spoke through a prophet named Joel said – and Joel spoke these words with the HSp’s power (hold up one of the flames) and he promised something about the Holy Spirit Read Joel 2:28-29 Looks like a time would be coming when the HSp wouldn’t be given just here and there, but to lots and lots of people. Ask: Who would get the spirit now? A new time is coming! Now let’s fast forward to the time of Jesus and see He helps us understand if this new power is coming! Just before Jesus died, he had a long and tender talk with his disciples about his death and how he would care for them after He went back to heaven. They were full of sadness that Jesus said he was leaving them. What could be worse? Jesus understood their sorrow – He loved them! And so he told them He was going to give them a great and powerful gift, so let’s find out about this gift #1 John 16:7-8 (the HSp is the one that puts his finger on the heart and says – you are a sinner – run to Jesus!) – if you ever have the chance to explain to someone why Jesus died, you have a partner – the HSp, whose job is to prick the heart and help someone say – I really need Jesus! – (example? Stand up and walk in place – when I say “repent” turn around and walk in place the other direction) - My words told you to turn around, but when someone repents, that’s God’s Spirit’s power at work (Caution! Holy Spirit at work!) Have you repented and put your trust in Jesus? Raise your hand if you have. (Give out flames to a few) – then that is proof that this power is in you! #2 Let’s look at another way the HSp is going to work in this new time! Acts 1:8 – You will receive power to go into the whole world and tell everybody about Jesus – Apostles turn into bold people. Now that’s power! #3 There are so many ways this gift of the Holy Spirit helps, but let’s just look at one more Back to John 16:13 – the Holy Spirit is a teacher – the best teacher – and what is his subject? Maybe you’ve had teachers you didn’t like, but the Holy Spirit knows just how you learn, and he is a great teacher! In the OT, God gave his spirit to just a few. But a few days after Jesus went up to heaven, something amazing happened – read Acts 2:1-3 Who has the spirit now? Romans 5:5 – hand out tongues to every child When you belong to Jesus, he not only forgives you and makes you his child. He gives you a buddy, a helper – someone who gives you power to repent, power to learn about Jesus and follow Him even when it’s hard – to remind you when you feel bad that God never stops loving you! -to put power into your words if you tell someone else about Jesus. So here’s my challenge to you. You can say – Lord, give me lots of this Spirit! So hold up your flame high, and let’s ask God to fill this whole church and each one of us with his Spirit tonight! Prayer

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